Ultra Fast and Accurate Scanning
3Shape E4 scans dental models with excellent precision with the industry's top-of-the-line 4 x 5 MP camera. Digitise the finest details without missing the finest details with 4 micron precision according to ISO 12836 standards.
Fast Workflow
A full chin scan takes only 9 seconds, while a full chin algi scan takes only 45 seconds. We know time is precious and 3Shape E4 is designed to optimise your workflow.
Colour Texture
3Shape E4's colour texture feature preserves realistic colours in scanned models. You can not only see the details, but also save the colour information, making your dental models more realistic.
Die-in-Model Scanning Strategy
The Die-in-Model scanning strategy helps you achieve the flawless results you expect from the scanner by revealing the finest details of your dental models.